
Entry (1/7)1  mena-
Part of speech  2  morphological form of menaka

Entry (2/7)3  mena-
Part of speech  4  morphological form of menatra

Entry (3/7)5  mena
Part of speech  6  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  7  Sora-javatra na volon-doko manahatahaka ny an' ny ra na ny afo: Akanjo mena no nanaovany ka toa voamarik' ilay omby izy ka nenjehiny [1.1]
Explanations in English  8  red [1.7]
Explanations in French  9  rouge [1.3, 1.8]
Examples  10  Tranon-drafodilahy trano mena! [2.69]
11  Zavatra mena aby, ka tsy fantatra: [2.298]
12  Kibobo sy menamaso ka no hatahotra maso mena? [2.558]
13  Active verbs :
14  Passive verbs :
15  Relative verbs :
16  Names :
17  Adjectives :
Compound words 
Proverbs  62  Proverbs containing the word mena
Tables and plates  63  The Colors

Entry (4/7)64  mena
Part of speech  65  adjective
Vocabulary  66  Economy: breeding, farming
Tables and plates  67  Cattle Coat Colors

Entry (5/7)69  mena
Part of speech  70  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  71  tezitra [Bara] [1.78]72  Tezitra: Mena ny anao lahy raha vao nahare izay teny izay ha tafatsangana' ndeha hamely [1.1]
Explanations in French  73  emporté, rouge de colère, qui rougit de honte [1.3]

Entry (6/7)74  meña
Part of speech  75  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  76  mankany ... [Taisaka] [1.78]

Entry (7/7)77  mena
Part of speech  78  morphological form of mener

Anagrams  79  mane, mena-, meña, mane, mena-, meña

Updated on 2024/08/18